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Nearly three-quarters of Senate appointed on Trudeau's advice as Quebec senator joins

BY The Canadian Press, Feb 13, 2024 6:27 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

She is the 81st person to be appointed under that selection process, which Trudeau brought in after coming into power.(Photo: The Canadian Press)

Manuelle Oudar is joining the Senate's ranks after most recently serving with a Quebec government commission on workplace equity, health and safety.

Trudeau's office describes her as a respected lawyer, leader and advocate for justice who had a long public-service career in the province.

An independent advisory board recommended Oudar's candidacy to the prime minister and the Governor General appointed her.

She is the 81st person to be appointed under that selection process, which Trudeau brought in after coming into power.

Nearly three-quarters of current senators were appointed during Trudeau's tenure, and all of them are members of independent groups rather than political parties.

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