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Coroner's inquest hears Nicole Chan suffered from mental health problems believed to have stemmed from a sexual assault and extortion

BY The Canadian Press, Jan 24, 2023 1:47 AM - REPORT AN ERROR

A coroner's inquest into the suicide of a Vancouver police officer in 2019 has been told Nicole Chan suffered from mental health problems believed to have stemmed from a sexual assault and extortion by another officer. (Photo - Jennifer Chan/facebook)

A coroner's inquest into the suicide of a Vancouver police officer in 2019 has been told Nicole Chan suffered from mental health problems believed to have stemmed from a sexual assault and extortion by another officer.

Jennifer Chan told the inquest today that she thought her sister was being blackmailed by an officer in Human Resources.

Chan also testified that her sister struggled with anxiety and depression after she complained to the police chief in 2017 about inappropriate relationships that she had with two senior officers.

Nicole Chan was on stress leave when she committed suicide and a civil lawsuit related to her death was filed on behalf of her family last year after the Crown prosecution service declined to pursue charges against the officer the family claims ``extorted'' her to continue a sexual relationship.

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