The Election Commission has started the action as soon as the Lok Sabha elections are announced. On Monday, the home secretaries of 6 states including the DGP of West Bengal have been removed. (Photo: The Canadian Press)
The Election Commission has started the action as soon as the Lok Sabha elections are announced. On Monday, the home secretaries of 6 states including the DGP of West Bengal have been removed.
He held more than one post in the Chief Minister's office in the respective states. The names of officials from Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand are among the 6 states whose home secretaries have been removed.
It is to be noted that there will be seven phases from April 19 to June 1 in India and the results will be announced on June 4. Chief Election Commissioner Rajeev Kumar said that there are 97 crore registered voters in the country.
At the same time, this time a total of 2 crore 12 lakh 71 thousand 246 voters of Punjab will be able to cast their vote for the Lok Sabha elections 2024. 24 thousand 433 polling stations will be built in 13 parliamentary constituencies of the state. Patiala has the highest number of voters in Punjab while Fatehgarh Sahib has the lowest number of voters.