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The temperature in Calgary is expected to reach -13 degrees Celsius, cold winds will prevail

BY The Connect News, Jan 19, 2024 3:33 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

Snow is expected tonight and the temperature will be -16 degrees Celsius. The temperature is expected to be in the range of -8 to -6 degrees Celsius from Saturday to Monday.

Temperature in Calgary today is expected to be -13 degrees celsius with cold winds. However, today the temperature is slightly higher than Thursday.

Snow is expected tonight and the temperature will be -16 degrees Celsius. The temperature is expected to be in the range of -8 to -6 degrees Celsius from Saturday to Monday. 1 to 3 cm of snow is also possible on Sunday night.

It is worth noting that many roads in Calgary are covered with snow and snow removal is underway. Crew members are busy removing it and their priority is major highways.

They said that it may take about 18 hours to clear a route from Crowchild Trail, Memorial Drive, Glenmore Trail and 16 Avenue. By removing snow from the roads, vehicles do not get stuck on the roads and traffic continues.

The City reminded the public that sidewalks must be cleared within 24 hours of the snowfall stopping.

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