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The Conservative leader rejected the allegations made by Nikki Sharma regarding SOGI

BY The Canadian Press, Nov 28, 2023 8:02 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

Sharma said it was a concerning incident and Rustad's party is to blame for ``dangerous protests'' about the issue. (Photo: FB/Conservative Party pf BC)

The leader of the BC Conservatives is rejecting accusations that he's stoking hateful politics with his opposition to school programs about sexual orientation and gender identity, known as SOGI.

John Rustad was responding to comments Monday by Attorney General Niki Sharma about a highway chase on the weekend that ended when a tractor flying an anti-SOGI protest flag crashed with a police car and flipped over.

Sharma said it was a concerning incident and Rustad's party is to blame for ``dangerous protests'' about the issue.

Rustad says parents are right to raise concerns about SOGI, saying the education system should refocus on academics and leave social issues to families.

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