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Rahul Gandhi meet Lok Sabha Speaker

BY Connect Newsroom, Jun 27, 2024 7:10 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

At the same time, Congress General Secretary KC Venugopal also wrote a letter to the Speaker separately, in which he expressed his displeasure about the Speaker bringing a resolution on emergency.(Photo: Facebook/Rahul Gandhi)

Rahul Gandhi, the leader of the opposition in the Lok Sabha of India, meet the Lok Sabha Speaker and expressed his displeasure over the reference given by him about the Emergency. He said that it was clearly political, which could have been avoided.

At the same time, Congress General Secretary KC Venugopal also wrote a letter to the Speaker separately, in which he expressed his displeasure about the Speaker bringing a resolution on emergency.

It may be mentioned that after being elected Lok Sabha Speaker on Wednesday, Om Birla had read a resolution condemning the imposition of Emergency on the Constitution by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, which was strongly opposed by the Congress members in Parliament.

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