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It will rain in Calgary in the coming days

BY The Connect News, Feb 1, 2024 3:27 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

It will be sunny in the city today and the temperature may be 10 degrees Celsius during the day and 2 degrees Celsius at night.

According to Environment Canada, rain is expected in Calgary in the coming days. Along with this, the temperature is expected to be high during the day and low during the night.

It will be sunny in the city today and the temperature may be 10 degrees Celsius during the day and 2 degrees Celsius at night. Friday will be cloudy with daytime temperature of 9 degrees Celsius.

Saturday 1 to 3 PM Rain and 1 to 2 cm of snow is expected. On Saturday, the temperature will be 4 degrees Celsius during the day and minus 6 degrees Celsius during the night. Similarly, the cold is going to increase on Sunday as well. 2 to 4 cm of snow is expected on Sunday.

The temperature can be minus 3 degrees Celsius during the day and -7 degrees Celsius during the night. It is worth noting that Calgary experienced a record breaking cold in January and some days the temperature was higher than previous years.

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