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Federal government announces a 15 billion dollar plan to meet its climate change commitments

BY , Dec 11, 2020 8:29 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

PM Justin Trudeau

The federal government has released a climate change plan.

It includes eight-billion dollars in environmental funding on top of the seven-billion already announced.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says clean technology presents enormous opportunities for economic growth and jobs.

He says Canadians aren't alone in realizing that.

The government's plan includes steady increases to the carbon tax in each of the next 10 years, eventually reaching 170-dollars per tonne by 2030.

The federal government has released a 15 billion dollar plan to meet its climate change commitments that includes steady increases to its carbon tax in each of the next 10 years.

Several Conservative premiers have objected strongly to the imposition of carbon taxes.

But Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says many of those premiers are starting to see the opportunities available to their citizens by investing in technologies that reduce carbon emissions.

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