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Sonu Sood is Punjab’s brand ambassador for vaccination

BY jasmine, Apr 11, 2021 11:22 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

Sonu Sood/ Facebook

Chief minister Capt Amarinder Singh on Sunday named Bollywood actor Sonu Sood as the brand ambassador of the Punjab government for its Covid vaccination programme.

The CM made the announcement a day after meeting Sonu Sood. “There is no one more ideally suited to inspire people to take the vaccine. There is a lot of hesitancy among people, Sonu’s popularity and his exemplary role in helping tens of thousands of migrants reach safely home since the pandemic broke out last year, will help counter their reservations,” added the CM.

Sonu Sood, who hails from Moga, said he was feeling honoured to be appointed as the brand ambassador for the life-saving vaccine.

On the occasion, Sonu presented to the CM his book “I am no Messiah”, which he says captures experiences of his journey from Moga to Mumbai.

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