The actor also said, "My next film as a lead actor is Sitaare Zameen Par. We are trying to release it by the end of this year, on the occasion of Christmas. It is an entertaining film, I like the story. The shooting of the film has begun.”(Photo: Instagram/Aamir Khan)
Bollywood’s Mr. Perfectionist Aamir Khan has recently shared some details about his highly anticipated film, ‘Sitare Zameen Par’. The upcoming film is the sequel to Aamir’s blockbuster 2007 hit Taare Zameen Par.
Recently Aamir Khan talked about his upcoming movie while attending the Statue of Unity in Vadodara, Gujarat celebrating India’s 76th Republic Day. Talking about the film, Aamir revealed the climax of the film has also been shot in Vadodara. With this, the Dangal also revealed details about the film’s expected release date.
The actor also said, "My next film as a lead actor is Sitaare Zameen Par. We are trying to release it by the end of this year, on the occasion of Christmas. It is an entertaining film, I like the story. The shooting of the film has begun.”
Aamir Khan also added, "When I was young, many of my father's films were shot in Gujarat. I was very small at that time, so I would come here. Today, all those memories have come rushing back."