Both stand-up comedians and actors Kapil Sharma and Sunil Grover took to their respective social media accounts to share a video about them coming together for a new show on Netflix. Sunil Grover was an intrinsic part of the The K...
Punjabi film actor Himanshi Khurana took to her social media account to announce her separation with long-time beau, Asim Riaz. The two met each other on reality show Bigg Boss and have been dating since. Himanshi told her fans ...
Bollywood actor Bobby Deol has now eventually spoken about his short, almost 15- minutes role in the Sandeep Vanga Reddy film Animal. Talking to various media channels about his short role, Bobby said that he always knew that he ...
Popular television personality Dinesh Phadnis, known for his role of Inspector Fredericks in the longest running TV crime show CID, passed away due to multiple organ failure. The actor was on a ventilator and undergoing treatme...
Former girlfriend of Bollywood actor Arbaaz Khan, Giorgia Andriani have confirmed the long-speculated rumours about their breakup. Both Arbaaz and Giorgia were dating for a while following Arbaaz’s divorce from actress wife Malai...
After a successful innings on big screen Akshay Kumar starrer Mission Raniganj is now available on OTT platform Netflix. Pooja Entertainment’s Mission Raniganj was released on the big screen last month. The film is produced by V...
Bollywood film Animal is already getting great reviews. Along with the film, it is the song Arjan Vailly that has become the talk of town. Sung by Punjabi singer Bhupinder Babbal, created by Manan Bhardwaj and produced by Raymant...
According to a report on an entertainment channel, the third instalment of popular film Mardaani is currently in the works. As per this report the script for this film has already been finalised. The film is expected to go on fl...
Indian fashion designer 62-year-old Rohit Bal is in a critical condition and has been admitted to a hospital in Gurgaon. As per sources, Rohit Bal has been put on the ventilator support system. The famous designer has been in an...
Celebrity couple Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma, accompanied by their two children, made a visit to the renowned spiritual leader Premanand Maharaj at Vrindavan Dham. The moment was captured in a video that quickly went viral on s...
Film producer, writer, journalist, and humanitarian Pritish Nandy passed away recently at the age of 73. His son, f...
In response to the shooting outside his Mumbai home earlier this year, Bollywood icon Salman Khan has significantly...
Rumors have been circulating that Bollywood actor Farhan Akhtar and his wife Shibani Dandekar are expecting their f...
Popular Punjabi singer Prabh Gill recently opened up about his early connection with international music sensation ...
Jasmine Singh Punjabi singer and actor Tarsem Jassar, renowned for his selective approach to choosing film projects...
Former Bollywood actress Sana Khan, who embraced motherhood a year ago, is celebrating the arrival of her second ch...
Nikki Tamboli, known for her appearance on Bigg Boss 14, is gearing up to make her much-awaited debut in the Punja...
Recently, two of the most celebrated Punjabi singers, Karan Aujla and Arjan Dhillon, took to their social media pla...
Indian leg-spinner Yuzvendra Chahal and choreographer Dhanashree Verma are reportedly heading toward a divorce afte...