Chief Minister said that our first priority is Jalandhar seat. If reports are to be believed, the party may field Cabinet Minister Balkar Sidhu from Jalandhar seat, from where Sushil Rinku was earlier given a ticket but Rinku joined the BJP and is now contesting from the BJP. (Photo: Facebook/Bhagwant Mann)
Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann has made the Lok Sabha seats of Jalandhar and Sangrur a question of his prestige. He has told the MLAs and other office bearers of the party that we have special attention on these two seats and these seats have to be won at any cost.
Chief Minister said that our first priority is Jalandhar seat. If reports are to be believed, the party may field Cabinet Minister Balkar Sidhu from Jalandhar seat, from where Sushil Rinku was earlier given a ticket but Rinku joined the BJP and is now contesting from the BJP.
The Lok Sabha seat of Sangrur was lost by the Aam Aadmi Party in the by-election, where this time AAP has fielded Gurmeet Singh Meet Hare.