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Vancouver police looking for man accused of trying to steal seaplane

BY , Feb 26, 2020 6:42 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

Police are looking for help in finding a man they accuse of breaking into Harbour Air's seaplane terminal on Vancouver's waterfront last Friday and trying to steal one of its aircraft.

Const. Tania Visintin of Vancouver police says a man described as white and in his 40s was allegedly able to break into the terminal and one of the seaplanes tied to the dock.

But when he started the plane and attempted to taxi away, police say he hit several other docked planes, ripping the wing off one and severely damaging another.

Visintin says police believe the suspect has a working knowledge of planes.

Investigators want to speak to anyone in the aviation community or the public who may be able to identify him.

Visintin says the attempted theft of a plane is unusual.

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