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Vancouver Park Board says yes to alcohol in 22 parks, but bylaw delayed to 2021

BY , Jul 28, 2020 5:35 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

People sit and lie in the sun at Kitsilano Beach Park in Vancouver, on Saturday, May 9, 2020. The Vancouver Park Board has voted in favour of a pilot project that would allow the sale of beer, cider and coolers in 22 of Vancouver's 240 parks. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

Park board commissioners in Vancouver have voted in favour of allowing alcohol consumption in 22 parks around the city, but relaxing with a cold one likely won't happen soon.

Although commissioners capped a lengthy debate by approving a pilot project allowing park concessions to sell beer, cider and coolers, the board is seeking provincial involvement.

It says in a social media post that the new bylaw will require an update to B.C.'s Liquor Control and Licensing Act, recognizing the park board as a governing body under a specific section of the act.

At least on park commissioner says it means officially approved alcohol consumption in Vancouver parks likely won't happen until next summer.

In the meantime, the board has directed staff to apply for liquor licences at park concessions ranging from Stanley Park and several English Bay beaches to Trout Lake, Langara and two parks along the Fraser River.

The cities of Port Coquitlam and North Vancouver voted earlier this year to allow liquor consumption in certain area parks, but their pilot programs took effect immediately and do not require provincial approval.

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