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Vancouver: Ex-Uber driver convicted of sex assault

BY Connect News, Jan 18, 2023 1:33 AM - REPORT AN ERROR

A former Uber driver has been convicted and sentenced for sexual assault following a Vancouver Police investigation that began in 2021, after a then-21-year-old woman came forward to police. (Photo - The Canadian Press)

A former Uber driver has been convicted and sentenced for sexual assault following a Vancouver Police investigation that began in 2021, after a then-21-year-old woman came forward to police.

Mohammed Abu Sayed, 69, was given a six-month conditional sentence that includes two months house arrest, followed by 18 months of probation. During that time, he is banned from operating any ride-share vehicle, taxi, limousine or any other mode of transportation for remuneration. He is also banned from liquor stores, bars, pubs, nightclubs, beer gardens, and any other place where minors are prohibited by liquor license.

Abu Sayed was convicted in October and sentenced on January 11 for sexually assaulting a female passenger during a trip from Vancouver to Coquitlam. The offence occurred in August 2021.

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