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Trudeau launches expanded oceans protection plan, with aim to reach more regions

BY The Canadian Press, Jul 19, 2022 9:47 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced new details about the federal government’s $3.5-billion plan to protect the oceans. (Photo - Justin Trudeau/Twitter)

PM Justin Trudeau

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced new details about the federal government’s $3.5-billion plan to protect the oceans.

In its most recent budget, the government pledged to add $2 billion over nine years to the $1.5 billion already set aside for ocean protection.

Speaking at a press conference in British Columbia, Trudeau says the government has now launched an extended version of the plan.

The program has so far funded projects including coast guard search and rescue stations, restoring coastal aquatic habitats, disposing of abandoned boats, and partnering with Indigenous and coastal communities.

The new funds are aimed at expanding those efforts to more regions.

Trudeau says the latest plan is intended to keep oceans and coasts healthy, advance reconciliation and build a clean future.

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