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TransLink invests $125 million into upgrading regional walkways, cycling paths, and roads

BY , Jun 24, 2021 9:37 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

TransLink is announcing the investment of $125 million into upgrading, maintaining, or building new regional walkways, cycling paths, and roads through our Municipal Funding Program. (Photo - Translink)

TransLink is announcing the investment of $125 million into upgrading, maintaining, or building new regional walkways, cycling paths, and roads through our Municipal Funding Program. This program annually invests in infrastructure upgrades and maintenance that benefit pedestrians, cyclists, drivers, and transit users throughout the region. For the first time since the program’s inception, all 23 local governments in Metro Vancouver will receive funding for various types of infrastructure improvements within their community.

The $125 million awarded this year will help construct or improve 131 projects throughout the region, while helping to upgrade or maintain over 2,600 kilometres of roads in the Major Road Network (MRN). Since the inception of the Mayors’ Council 10-Year Vision, TransLink has increased funding toward improving and maintaining regional walkways, cycle paths, and MRN roads and structures. This year’s finalized project list invests more into municipal projects than any previous year.

Project type 2021 investment:

Walking, cycling, and multi-use paths (71 projects) - $36 million

Roads, structures, and bus speed upgrades (60 projects) - $30.8 million

Operation and Maintenance of the MRN - $58.2 million

Total - $125 million

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