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Survey shows people around the province are coping with pandemic restrictions by more elaborate lighting displays and decorations

BY , Nov 24, 2020 10:31 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

Children walk with their parents to Sherwood Park Elementary in North Vancouver for the first day back-to-school Thursday, September 10, 2020. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

BC Hydro says its latest report shows people around the province are coping with pandemic restrictions by boosting holiday spirits with brighter, more elaborate lighting displays and decorations.

An online survey of 800 people shows more than 90 per cent think COVID-19 will affect their holiday celebrations but about 20 per cent plan to do more indoor and outdoor decorating to combat the disappointment.

Almost two-thirds say they will put up an outdoor display with 22 per cent expecting to use an average of eight strands of lights and 10 per cent firing up more than 10 strands, a three per cent jump since 2018.

Hydro says all those lights, plus the growing use of inflatable decorations, have the potential to hike electricity costs and it urges the use of power, and money-saving LED lights, timers to switch displays off automatically and signing up for My Hydro, to track electricity use and provide a clear picture of the cost of all that cheer.

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