He said that Kejriwal and Bhagwant Mann often accuse Prime Minister Modi that there is no freedom in the country, the media is not free, while the Aam Aadmi Party even distributed pamphlets on journalists.(Photo: Facebook/Sukhpal Singh Khaira)
Sukhpal Singh Khaira, the Congress MLA from Bhulath, who is contesting the Lok Sabha elections from Sangrur in Punjab, has alleged that Bhagwant Mann was so frightened by his campaign that he closed his WhatsApp.
He said that Kejriwal and Bhagwant Mann often accuse Prime Minister Modi that there is no freedom in the country, the media is not free, while the Aam Aadmi Party even distributed pamphlets on journalists.
It is to be noted that in the past Bhagwant Mann government banned the broadcasting of a news channel of Zee Media Group in the state.