An anti-vaccine mandate protest in Ottawa has surged in size and energy, with at least one-thousand people in attendance and some promising to stay put until Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is forced out. (Photo - The Canadian Press)
An anti-vaccine mandate protest in Ottawa has surged in size and energy, with at least one-thousand people in attendance and some promising to stay put until Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is forced out. (Photo - The Canadian Press)
An anti-vaccine mandate protest in Ottawa has surged in size and energy, with at least one-thousand people in attendance and some promising to stay put until Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is forced out.
Ottawa police are calling in reinforcements as hundreds of vehicles and long-haul trucks continue their trek toward the nation's capital.
People in the convoy are demanding an end to COVID-19 restrictions, including vaccine passports.
The atmosphere outside the Parliament buildings has been generally festive, with some setting up barbecues on the sidewalk, and many honking horns, playing instruments and blaring music.