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Salmonella spread by eating Malichita brand melons in Canada, 5 people died

BY The Canadian Press, Dec 8, 2023 6:57 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

It says 129 people have been confirmed with salmonella linked to the outbreak, almost double the number at the last update on December 1st. (Photo: The Canadian Press)

The Public Health Agency of Canada says the death toll has risen to five in a salmonella outbreak linked to Malichita and Rudy brand cantaloupes. It says 129 people have been confirmed with salmonella linked to the outbreak, almost double the number at the last update on December 1st, when a single death had been recorded.

There are also 17 cases in Ontario, 15 in British Columbia, and two each in Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador.

The agency issued food recall warnings three times in November for Malichita cantaloupes sold between October 11th and November 14th.

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