Most of British Columbia is about to get its first taste of summer weather after a chilly, wet spring delayed snowmelt, and that has many Interior communities bracing for flooding. (Photo - Connect News)
Most of British Columbia is about to get its first taste of summer weather after a chilly, wet spring delayed snowmelt, and that has many Interior communities bracing for flooding.
The River Forecast Centre says flood warnings are in place for the Quesnel and Blue rivers east of Williams Lake.
Food watches are also up for the Thompson River system, including the North and South Thompson, the Illecillewaet River near Revelstoke, the Liard River and other waterways in the northeast.
High streamflow advisories cover the eastern half of the province from the Yukon to the US border, with rainy weather still swelling some rivers, while the centre says rapid snowmelt from expected heat has the potential to cause flooding this weekend.