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Prince George: Shots fired in residence, police investigating

BY Connect News, Jan 25, 2023 1:49 AM - REPORT AN ERROR

On Sunday, January 22, 2023, just before 8:00 p.m., Prince George RCMP attended a residence on the 2100-block of Quince Street for a weapons complaint. The 16-year-old victim told police she was at the residence when an adult male pointed a gun and shot it at her, narrowly missing her. The victim, who was uninjured, left the residence and contacted police.

Due to the nature of the call, the North District Emergency Response Team was requested to attend the residence and safely remove everyone from inside the house. The suspect, whom police identified as 39-year-old Prince George resident Colby Johnson, was arrested and held in custody until he could attend court. At the time of his arrest, Mr. Johnson was bound by a lifetime firearm ban, states Cpl. Jennifer Cooper, Media Relations Officer for the Prince George RCMP.

Investigators also located several firearms, a large quantity of suspected fentanyl and over $8000 in cash inside the residence.

The B.C. Prosecution Service approved the following charges:

Careless use of a firearm

Unauthorized possession of a firearm

Colby Johnson will remain in custody until his next court appearance. The file remains under investigation.

Did you know that Prince George RCMP has Online Crime Reporting? The Online Crime Reporting tool is available to report crimes that meet certain criteria.

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