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Preparing to receive and distribute the Moderna vaccine pending regulatory approval: Dr. Howard Njoo

BY , Dec 16, 2020 8:34 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

A nurse gets a swab ready to perform a test on a patient at a drive-in COVID-19 clinic in Montreal on Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2020. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Paul Chiasson

Canada's Deputy Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Howar Njoo

Canada's Deputy Chief Public Health Officer says he's never seen the global health community come together as it has in the fight against COVID-19.

Dr. Njoo says we aren't at the end of living with COVID-19 but we are at the beginning of the end.

He's urging Canadians to keep up with public health practices.

"Pace of advancement and innovation has been truly remarkable"

Dr. Njoo says the pace of advancement and innovation in the fight against COVID-19 has been truly remarkable.

Dr. Njoo says as the Pfizer vaccine rolls out this week, they're preparing to receive and distribute the Moderna vaccine pending regulatory approval.

Dr. Njoo says the vaccine offers protection against disease, but studies are still underway to assess the vaccine's ability to prevent transmission.

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