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Potential exposure to COVID-19 at a bar in Vancouver

BY , Aug 20, 2020 9:24 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

The latest reported potential exposure to COVID-19 in British Columbia was at a bar in Vancouver.

The regional health authority says anyone who was at Bartholomew Bar during operating hours on Aug. 13 and 14 should monitor themselves for symptoms. Vancouver Coastal Health says the possible exposures are believed to be low risk.

Environmental health officers with Vancouver Coastal have issued closure orders for Pierre's Champagne Lounge and the West Oak Restaurant, while the Ivy Lounge in the Trump Tower closed voluntarily after public exposures to COVID-19.

The province reported 68 new cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday, bringing the total number of active cases to 798, including 10 people in hospital.

There were no new deaths, leaving the provincial death toll at 198.

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