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Police release video to identify victim in knife assault

BY Connect News, Oct 20, 2022 12:39 AM - REPORT AN ERROR

Vancouver Police have released security video showing a suspect threatening another man with a knife last weekend, and are appealing to the victim to come forward. (Photo - Vancouver police)

Vancouver Police have released security video showing a suspect threatening another man with a knife last weekend, and are appealing to the victim to come forward.

"Even when we identify the man with the knife, challenges still exist because the victim left and hasn’t reported the incident to police," says Constable Jason Doucette. "We’d like to hear from the victim to provide support and learn more about what happened."

Just after noon on October 15, a witness called 9-1-1 reporting two men fighting in an alcove on West Cordova near Richards Street. One of the men was threatening the other with a knife. The fight moved onto the street before both men left the area. It did not appear either man was injured.

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