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More than 1,350 prohibited weapons linked to Chilliwack, B.C., homes seized

BY The Canadian Press, Feb 27, 2023 9:36 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

A statement from the agency says parcels imported from China using a false declaration were intercepted at Vancouver International Airport last month.(Photo: The Canadian Press)

Canada Border Services Agency says it has seized more than 1,350 prohibited weapons and firearms linked to residences in Chilliwack, B.C.

A statement from the agency says parcels imported from China using a false declaration were intercepted at Vancouver International Airport last month.

In late January, the agency says an unnamed Chilliwack resident was arrested for suspected offences under the Customs Act and a number of prohibited weapons and firearms were found during the arrest.

The agency says more prohibited weapons were also found at a Chilliwack home the day after the arrest.

It says the list of weapons included 13 conducted energy weapons, better known as Tasers, 360 stun guns, 171 stun batons and hundreds of prohibited knives and brass knuckles.

The agency says it is reviewing all evidence and charges are pending.

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