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Man arrested after a City of Victoria Parks vehicle was damaged: Victoria Police

BY , Feb 24, 2021 7:15 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

Victoria police say they arrested a man after a city bylaw vehicle was damaged. (Photo - Victoria Police/Twitter)

Victoria police say they arrested a man after a city bylaw vehicle was damaged.

They say officers were called to Beacon Hill Park after City of Victoria bylaw officers reported that a man had allegedly smashed their truck window with a sledgehammer.

They say the man was found and arrested after he fled to a park on a bicycle.

Police say the man was later released with a court date.

The police later corrected it was a City of Victoria Parks vehicle.

Victoria police on Twitter:

Officers are looking for witnesses after man was arrested after reportedly smashing a

@cityofvictoria bylaw vehicle's window w a sledgehammer in Beacon Hill Park. If you have info call (250) 995-7654 ext 1 or@VicCrimeStop . #yyj

Another tweet from Victoria police:

Correction - the vehicle involved was a City of Victoria Parks vehicle.

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