B.C's provincial health officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry during a press conference in Victoria. (Photo - B.C. Govt.)
B.C's provincial health officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry during a press conference in Victoria. (Photo - B.C. Govt.)
COVID-19 modelling released by the British Columbia government shows the latest wave propelled by the Omicron variant may have already peaked in parts of the province.
Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry says the wave has spread faster than previous ones and health officials believe the top of the latest surge was likely reached this past weekend.
The modelling figures show a decrease in infections in two health authorities, Vancouver Coastal and Fraser Health, with a levelling off on Vancouver Island and a slight rise in the Interior.
The data also show actual infections could be three to four times higher than the official daily figures because testing capacities have hit their limit in the province.
The latest information shows Omicron has displaced the Delta variant as the primary driver of infections in the community and in hospitals in less than six weeks, which is consistent with data around the world.
The modelling shows hospital admissions are expected to peak in the next week with a lag time of about six to eight days after community transmissions.