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Itsy-bitsy intruder inside a vehicle in Newton led a woman to cry out for help

BY , Mar 9, 2021 6:26 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

File - Police say an itsy-bitsy intruder inside a vehicle in Newton caused a bit of a scramble and led a woman to cry out for help. (Photo - SURREY RCMP/Twitter)

Police say an itsy-bitsy intruder inside a vehicle in Newton caused a bit of a scramble and led a woman to cry out for help.

Surrey RCMP say they received calls from the public after they saw a woman in distress Saturday afternoon.

They say the woman opened the door of her white Toyota RAV-4 while it was moving to try and shoo the spider out.

Police say they tracked down the man and woman in the vehicle.

They confirmed there was no criminal activity, and they hadn't intended to cause alarm.

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