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Information czar finds numerous shortcomings at National Defence

BY , Jul 22, 2020 7:19 PM - REPORT AN ERRORLAST UPDATED ON Jul 22, 2020 7:36 PM

The federal information watchdog has identified several shortcomings — from inadequate training to cumbersome paper-based processes — that hamper National Defence's ability to answer formal requests from the public.

In a special report tabled in Parliament today, information commissioner Caroline Maynard says her systemic investigation found Defence did not meet its obligations under the Access to Information Act because of dated or inefficient practices.

The access law allows people who pay $5 to request an array of federal files but it has been widely criticized as outdated, clumsy and often poorly administered.

Maynard says Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan and his deputy minister are now aware of some of the tools and practices needed to support and deliver on their responsibilities.

She says these leaders should champion a new approach and adopt the recommended methods to make necessary changes, saying Canadians expect as much.

Maynard says her probe also shows that all federal institutions must follow sound information-management practices and make smart use of technology to meet their responsibilities under the access law.

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