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Former clerk of the B.C. legislature sentenced for breach of trust

BY The Canadian Press, Jul 8, 2022 7:18 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

The man who was once the senior officer at the B-C legislature has received a three month sentence for fraud and breach of trust, but Craig James won't be going to jail. (Photo - The Canadian Press)

The man who was once the senior officer at the B-C legislature has received a three month sentence for fraud and breach of trust, but Craig James won't be going to jail.

The 71 year old former clerk of the legislature has been handed a conditional sentence to be served at home, the first month under 24-hour house arrest and the last two months under a 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew.

James was convicted after fraudulently submitting expenses for the purchase of a suit and shirts he claimed as work attire.

He was cleared of several other charges but the BC Supreme Court judge hearing the case rejected a defence request for a conditional discharge, saying it would not be in the public interest.

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