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Eby says governments must step up on housing, can't rely on private sector

BY The Canadian Press, Nov 21, 2023 8:46 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

British Columbia Premier David Eby says it's ``hard to understand'' why other politicians still believe in relying on the private sector to deliver affordable housing and instead it's time for governments to step up.(photo :The Canadian Press)

British Columbia Premier David Eby says it's "hard to understand'' why other politicians still believe in relying on the private sector to deliver affordable housing and instead it's time for governments to step up.

Eby says there are proposals at the federal level to sell public land and buildings to help solve the crisis, but B.C. is doing the opposite by taking inventory of provincially and municipally owned land in order to build more homes.

He told the BC Non-profit Housing Association's annual conference his government is the right one to tackle the housing crisis as the province faces "huge challenges.'' He told the crowd that "it does matter who is in government'' when it comes to housing.

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