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Due to heavy snowfall and strong winds in Quebec, many schools were closed

BY Connect Newsroom, Apr 4, 2024 3:26 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

The regions of Laurentian, Montreal and Monterrey were the worst affected by the bad weather.

In Quebec, heavy snow and winds led to the cancellation of many schools in the western part of the province today, while about 280,000 homes were without power as of 8 a.m., according to Hydro-Québec.

The regions of Laurentian, Montreal and Monterrey were the worst affected by the bad weather.

The Meteorological Department predicted up to 20 centimeters of snow in Montreal in the morning.

Montreal typically receives about 13 cm of snowfall during this month. On 9 April 2000, the city recorded its heaviest snowfall in a single day which was 33.9 cm.

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