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Don't call it insurance: What dentists want you to know about the federal dental plan

BY The Canadian Press, Dec 12, 2023 7:14 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

British Columbia Dental Association president Dr. Robert Wolanski says the government plan is more of a social program than a typical insurance program.(Photo : The Canadian Press)

The federal government has announced enrolment details for a new federal dental plan that resembles typical insurance coverage, down to the benefits card patients show at the dentists' office. But dentists say the new government program isn't the same as the insurance people typically get from employers, and patients should be clear about the differences.

British Columbia Dental Association president Dr. Robert Wolanski says the government plan is more of a social program than a typical insurance program.

Wolanski says that program has some distinct differences from an employer insurance program in terms of the eligibility criterial and the administrative burden for oral health-care providers.

The dentist from Nanaimo, B.C., says it's not clear yet exactly how patients' experiences will differ when they arrive at the dentist's office because those details haven't been released by the federal government yet.

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