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Danielle Smith to visit Washington tomorrow

BY The Connect News, Feb 6, 2024 6:22 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

In a statement, Smith said that Alberta has always been a partner of Erica and that both have similar goals in the energy sector. (Photo:Twiter/Danielle Smith)

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith is going on a visit to Washington tomorrow. His visit is going to be very important.

Meanwhile, he will meet with the industry leader of America and try to get new deals for Alberta. Premier Smith will also promote Alberta's energy sector on this visit.

In a statement, Smith said that Alberta has always been a partner of Erica and that both have similar goals in the energy sector. It is worth noting that the US has been a major trading partner of Alberta and Alberta has also been a major export of the US.

In 2022, Alberta exported $141.3 billion to the United States. Smith in Washington DC on February 7. will meet the Congress member during his visit. On February 8, Smith will return to Alberta on February 9 after meeting with business representatives and think tanks, including members of Congress.

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