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COVID-19 exposure at Vancouver shoe store

BY , Aug 11, 2020 7:54 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

The health authority in Vancouver is warning those who shopped at the Foot Locker on Robson Street to monitor for symptoms of COVID-19.

Vancouver Coastal Health says the potential exposure dates were Aug. 4 and Aug. 5 during operating hours.

It says the possible exposures are believed to be low risk, but it asks those who may have visited the store during that time to monitor for symptoms and get tested if they are feeling ill.

Advisories have also been issued for passengers on several planes arriving or leaving Vancouver after positive COVID-19 tests related to those flights.

Affected flights including Alaska Airlines flight 2930 from Seattle on July 31 and United Airlines flight 375 from San Francisco, although all passengers entering Canada from international destinations are required to self isolate for two weeks.

Air Canada passengers on flight 304 from Vancouver to Montreal on Aug. 1 have also been told to monitor themselves for symptoms.

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