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Chief of defence staff Jonathan Vance announces impending retirement

BY , Jul 24, 2020 12:21 AM - REPORT AN ERROR

Canada's top soldier, General Jonathan Vance, is retiring after a lengthy career.

His nearly 40 years in uniform included battles to end sexual misconduct within the Forces when he became chief of defence staff.

He is also credited for taking the military in new directions after Canada brought troops home from war in Afghanistan.

Vance launched Operation Honour to try to root out sexual misconduct, and he pushed for more diversity.

He says he will leave in a few months when his replacement is installed.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is thanking Vance for his service, saying in a statement that he has launched the process to find a successor.

Vance was appointed to the position six years ago, capping a career that began in 1986 when he was commissioned into the the Royal Canadian Regiment.

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