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Changes to Strata Property Regulation expand exemptions to 55+ bylaws

BY B.C. Government, May 1, 2023 7:00 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

It will also create an exemption to permit adult children or former dependants of current residents to move back home with their parents or former caregivers.

Changes to the Strata Property Regulation will ensure that people living in stratas with 55+ age restrictions will be able to stay in their homes even if their family structure changes.

Taking effect immediately, this amendment expands the list of exemptions to 55-and-over bylaws in strata buildings to include future children, dependants, and spouses or partners of current residents.

It will also create an exemption to permit adult children or former dependants of current residents to move back home with their parents or former caregivers.

On Nov. 24, 2022, Bill 44 amended the Strata Property Act to end all rental-restriction bylaws and limit strata age-restriction bylaws to 55-and-over bylaws to promote seniors' housing.

After the bill was passed, tens of thousands of strata units opened up to renters and younger residents, providing more housing options.

A few hundred strata corporations also moved to adopt 55+ age-restriction bylaws.

While the act was amended to allow live-in caregivers and people who were already lawfully residing in the units to live in 55-and-over buildings, it did not account for residents' future children, dependants or spouses.

The Province is making these changes to protect families in 55+ strata buildings throughout B.C.

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