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BC Minister Selina Robinson says her cancer has returned, undergoing chemotherapy

BY Connect News, Feb 8, 2023 8:35 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

Minister says that she is confident that she will be fine

British Columbia's minister of post-secondary education says she is undergoing chemotherapy after a scan revealed cancer had returned.

Selina Robinson told the B.C. legislature that she got the news on Jan. 27.

Robinson, who was replaced as the finance minister in December, says she is ``confident'' that she will be fine, but it was hard to tell her father and children that she has cancer again.

Robinson has previously shared her 2006 diagnosis about a ``rare form of intestinal cancer'' in a post on social media.

The member of the legislature for Coquitlam-Maillardville says she's undergoing a ``first-line'' treatment, with five other treatment options if the current one doesn't work.

During her speech, Robinson urged members of the legislature to join her in the B.C. Cancer Foundation's Tour de Cure cycling fundraiser, saying she is here because of research done to discover additional cancer treatments.

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