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BC announces new three-year action plan

BY The Canadian Press, Dec 11, 2023 7:06 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

Amy FitzGerald, executive director of the BC Society of Transition Houses, says the organization welcomes the investments, but it is still not enough. (Photo: The Canadian Press)

British Columbia has announced a new three-year action plan that includes building more housing for those fleeing violence, adding 75 new sexual assault support programs, establishing new free virtual counselling as well as new 24/7 crisis lines and new policing standards.

Amy FitzGerald, executive director of the BC Society of Transition Houses, says the organization welcomes the investments, but it is still not enough.

She says the society's research shows that only four per cent of the 80-thousand women and children who access their services move on to long-term, safe and affordable housing.

This comes as the federal government has also pledged 61.9 million dollars over four years for the plan under a new Canada-British Columbia bilateral agreement, which was struck Friday.

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