Chandigarh, meanwhile, recorded a voter turnout of 11.64 per cent till 9 am. 10.71% voters cast their vote in Jalandhar till 9 am and 9.08% in Ludhiana.
Amid tight security arrangements, polling begins at 7 am and will continue till 6 pm.Punjab recorded a voter turnout at 9.64 per cent as of 9 am. Chandigarh, meanwhile, recorded a voter turnout of 11.64 per cent till 9 am. 10.71% voters cast their vote in Jalandhar till 9 am and 9.08% in Ludhiana.
Ferozepur recorded a turnout of 11.61 per cent, followed by Sangrur with 11.36 per cent.The phase will witness about 2.2 crore electors and 5.04 lakh first-time voters.