Almost half of BC's 162 mayors will be new to the job when they are inaugurated next month following Saturday's municipal elections, but several already have long political pedigrees. (Photo - The Canadian Press)
Almost half of BC's 162 mayors will be new to the job when they are inaugurated next month following Saturday's municipal elections, but several already have long political pedigrees.
Cache Creek's John Ranta, Herb Pond in Prince Rupert and Mark Sager in West Vancouver have all served as mayor of their respective communities in the past.
Many others, such as Victoria's Marianne Alto, have jumped to the mayor's chair after years on city council.
In Prince George, mayor-elect Simon Wu joins Vancouver's Ken Sim as the first person of Chinese ancestry elected to the top job in either of those cities, while in Richmond, former B-C solicitor general Kash Heed has returned to politics after winning a council seat.