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Alberta is putting a pause on administering the first doses of COVID-19 vaccines: Premier Kenney

BY , Jan 19, 2021 2:15 AM - REPORT AN ERROR

File - Alberta Premier Jason Kenney says the province is putting a pause on administering the first doses of COVID-19 vaccines.(Photo - The Canadian Club of Toronto/Flickr)

Dr. Deena Hinshaw

Jason Kenney

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney says the province is putting a pause on administering the first doses of COVID-19 vaccines.

Kenney says he is "deeply disappointed" by pharmaceutical company Pfizer's decision to cut back on promised deliveries of vaccine doses to Canada over the next four weeks.

Meantime, Ontario is stretching the time for a second dose to 42 days instead of 21, and BC is thinking of going beyond 35 days.

Biden should give Canada a chance to make the case for pipeline

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney wants US President elect Joe Biden to give the Canadian government a chance to make the case for the Keystone XL oil sands pipeline to be built.

Kenney says he will seek legal damages if reports are true that Biden plans to scrap the pipeline on his first day as US president.

The project would send Alberta oilsands product to the US Gulf Coast.

Biden's plan is outlined in transition documents.

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