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AbCellera to make C$701 million co-investment in Canada

BY The Canadian Press, May 24, 2023 7:37 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

B.C. will provide 75-million dollars to fund research and clinical trial projects while the federal government is contributing 225 million dollars.

The B.C. and federal governments have boosted their funding to a Vancouver-based company that helped develop the first antibody therapy treatment for COVID-19.

AbCellera Biologics has announced a 700 million dollar plan to add lab space, equipment and technology at its manufacturing plant.

B.C. will provide 75-million dollars to fund research and clinical trial projects while the federal government is contributing 225 million dollars.

AbCellera says the latest expansion will help it turn basic research into usable medicines, while developing programs to get those medicines into clinical trials.

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