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We are at Loss of words

BY Connect Newsroom, Jun 19, 2024 8:06 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

Taking to Instagram, she posted a heartfelt message explaining her recent absence and the challenges she has been facing.(Photo: Instagram/therealalkayagnik)

Renowned playback singer Alka Yagnik recently shared a concerning update from her life on social media.

Alka Yagnik revealed that she has been diagnosed with a rare sensory neural nerve hearing loss, which was caused by a viral infection. Taking to Instagram, she posted a heartfelt message explaining her recent absence and the challenges she has been facing.

"After grappling with this condition in silence for weeks, I now feel ready to share with all my friends and well-wishers why I have been away," she expressed.

"My doctors have diagnosed me with a rare sensory neural nerve hearing loss due to a viral attack. This sudden and significant setback has taken me by surprise. As I try to come to terms with it, I humbly request your prayers and support."

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