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Enrique Iglesias reveals upcoming 'Final' album might be his last one

BY ANI, Sep 5, 2021 11:17 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

Enrique Iglesias reveals upcoming 'Final' album might be his last one

Spanish singer-songwriter Enrique Iglesias recently revealed in a conversation with Ricky Martin and Sebastian Yatra that his forthcoming album, titled 'Final' might be his last one.

"It might be my final album," Iglesias told his fellow singers about the LP, which is scheduled to be released on September 17.

Iglesias released his self-titled debut album back in 1995. He later went on to release numerous other records, including, among others, 2001's 'Escape', 2010's 'Euphoria', and 2014's 'Sex and Love', which is his most recent album.

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