Sahdev Dirdo, a 10-year-old boy who shot to fame after a video of him singing ‘Bachpan ka Pyaar’ song went viral on the Internet, got injured when the motorcycle on which he was riding pillion skidded on the road in Chhattisgarh’s Sukma district, the police said.
The boy was rushed to the district hospital and after preliminary treatment was shifted to Jagdalpur Medical College hospital.
Dirdo, a native of tribal-dominated and Naxal-hit Sukma district, became an Internet sensation in the middle of this year after a video of him singing ‘Bachpan ka Pyaar’ in school uniform went viral.
The video was reportedly shot in 2019 inside his classroom by his school teacher. He also featured along with rapper Badshah in a new version of the song, a video of which was released in August.